Having your dog ordered to be muzzled and leashed at all times while outdoors is no fun for you or your pooch. If you find yourself in that situation, you are likely wondering what you can do about it. We are here to help.
1. Appeal the Order
A muzzle order can be issued in instances such as when someone makes a report about your dog biting someone or another dog.
It may be the case that your dog did not bite anyone, or perhaps your dog was provoked. Whatever the reason may be, it is always a good idea to appeal the order and request a hearing. You will be able to have your case heard before the designated adjudicative body in your City where the order may be lifted.
The adjudicator will be looking at matters such as how severe the attack or bite was, the general nature of the dog, rehabilitation/dog training following the event, and how likely the dog is to bite or attack again. It is a good idea to obtain assistance from legal experts to ensure your appeal is filed properly and to prepare and deliver your case to the adjudicator.
2. Deal with any By-law tickets
Don’t forget to fight the By-law ticket. If you hand off your case to a licensed professional, this additional part of the matter is typically also addressed. A muzzle order almost always comes part and parcel with a by-law infraction notice as well. This is like a parking ticket. If it is neglected, you will be found guilty in your absence.
3. Do your due diligence in training your dog
As previously stated, the adjudicator at an appeal will be looking at the steps you took to ensure that an attack never happens again. It is imperative to have your dog analyzed by a canine behavior specialist and to follow their advice. This kind of training can mean the difference between your dog having freedom again or being stuck with a muzzle and a leash for a significant amount of time.
4. Even if your dog did bite, that does not mean he will be muzzled forever
Keep in mind that there is mercy and forgiveness. Even if your dog really did bite someone, it is still at the discretion of the adjudicator to lift the order on your dog.
As previously stated, the adjudicator will take into account the severity of the bite, so this will be a factor. You can point out how much better trained and behaved your dog is, and the steps you have taken to ensure nothing like that ever happens again.
About the Author

Joey Clavette
Licensed Paralegal and Notary Public
AJ Murray Legal Services P.C